Typing Special Khoekhoe Characters

Use the replacements below to type words with special symbols.
For example:

  • ǂâi can be entered as #a^i or =a^i
  • ǁnā can be entered as //na:

Symbol Replacement
ǀ / or | (vertical bar)
ǃ ! (exclamation mark)
ǂ #, =
ǁ // or || (two vertical bars)
Ā      ā A:      a:
Ī       ī I:       i:
Ū      ū U:      u:
Ē      ē E:      e:
Ō      ō O:      o:
      â A^      a^
Π      î I^       i^
Û      û U^      u^
Ê      ê E^      e^
Ô      ô O^      o^

Adding Entries to LexiKhoe

You can add entries to LexiKhoe by clicking the + button next to the search button on the main search page. Your entry can be a word or a phrase, but it must include an example sentence in the Khoekhoe language to provide context. Once submitted, your entry will be reviewed by the LexiKhoe team for approval. If accepted, it will become part of the growing database, contributing to the preservation and accessibility of the Khoekhoe language for everyone.

Switching Search Direction

You can search words in either direction by selecting an option from the dropdown menu next to the search box. Choose KKG-ENG to search from Khoekhoe to English, or ENG-KKG to search from English to Khoekhoe. This allows you to find words and their meanings in both languages.

Reporting Issues

To report any issues, simply click the Report Issue button located in the bottom-right corner of every search result window. Whether you're encountering errors, spotting mistakes in the content, or experiencing technical difficulties with the application, feel free to provide detailed feedback. Your input helps us improve the application and ensure a better user experience.